Roatan Map

Roatan-Map- This Google Earth Map will help you zoom in and out to each area you wish to investigate. Check out the Municipal areas, tourism areas, and the remote beaches. The one main road will take you the length of the island.

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Roatan-Map Diverse eco systems

Roatan is a very diverse island just waiting for you to explore. Most visitors may stay
close to home, so to speak, when visiting, but Roatan and Utila are a couple of great islands.

Here are some good reasons to visit Roatan’s far east end of the island. First it has one of the largest black mangrove stands in the world. Second, pristine beaches, where you may be the only one there. And according to many, there are some untouched and most beautiful reef in the World. Then, thirty two miles west of Roatan. Utila a whole different “vibe”. As close as it it culturally and personal experience. World famous for it’s whale sharks.

Take the Google Earth map “for a ride”, zoom in and see what is there.